Monday, February 25, 2008

Post the Second

Date: Monday 25 February, 2008
Started: 10:31 AM
Finished: 10:38 AM

Howdy all,

Here, for your viewing pleasure, is the long-awaited "Mummy Mutant" sketch (we really need another name for them)…


I have included a couple of possible variations (an "arm-blade" mutation/crude synthetic graft, and a different head design) as well, as you can see from the image. I drew heavy inspiration from fantasy and horror movie mummies (using a Dungeons and Dragons illustration to help get the right "look" for the bandages) and various depictions of feral tribesmen when making this sketch, whilst taking inspiration from fantasy weaponry when deciding to implement the arm-blades.

Opinions, constructive criticism, etc, will be welcomed - this should be done over in General Discussion, however, and not in this thread. In fact, I will be making a specific thread for discussing the concept art of Todd and myself, so that's where to go if you have any opinions on any of our art.

- N.

P.S. Note that I deleted the previous entry, as I did not, upon looking back, see much merit in its existence.

Let me show you another way…

Note (19th August, 2008, during move from Wikidot to Blogger): It seems I can copy images over directly into these posts. Now isn't that the best thing besides Chuck Norris? (lol intarwebz meme roflmao!!!1onesixhundred11!!!)

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