Date: Wednesday 26 March, 2008
Started: 2:40 PM
Finished: 2:54 PM
Argh, delayed again! Oh well.
I might as well begin with the week-gone-by. Didn't have a lot to do myself, although Roger did show us a presentation on how individuals see and analyse the world differently due to personal values, beliefs, etc, and how we should learn to "know what we don't know". Rhys also gave us a rundown on the first phase of project development (I now refuse to use the forced acronym), and there was much discussion on the matter of gameplay mechanics, in the sense of things such as weapon functionality and enemy AIs. Dan (and a couple of others, I believe) have been doing some in-game testing in this department with CounterStrike, working out just how realistic the weapon mechanics are going to be (with iron-sighting and shooting from the hip being preferred over the classic crosshair mode), and testing to see which AIs are going to be used for what. I'd do some testing myself, but I don't actually own CounterStrike yet… must save money for more than CDs and books…
On my front, I'm still working on concepts, one of which is an alternate Oxen design based on some suggestions from Rhys. I'm not going to tell what these suggestions are yet, but you'll see sooner or later. I'm also going to see about getting a concept for a player character done up, and some architectural sketches for the first level or two. I'm finding it a tad hard to get motivated due to the Easter break, but I should be able to manage.
Found some working Wacom drivers on the Asia-Pacific section of the Wacom site… I really should have looked beyond the U.S. site before. This driver version comes with a couple of extra things too, which I'll probably play around with for a bit once I can bring the tablet home.
Anyway, I am off.
- N.
Call an optimist, she's turning blue…
EDIT: Have done some research into things such as all the Orange Box and the source engine, Steam and Garry's Mod… now I have a much better idea of what's being utilised to create our game.