Monday, March 3, 2008

Post the Fifth

Date: Monday 3 March, 2008
Started: 9:22 AM
Finished: 9:29 AM

Hoping you'll excuse my rushed Photoshop work, here's another concept, this time of a mutant "Shepherd" with an SMG (NOT A BOLTER!).


I was going to put in an alternate head design, with bandages and some sort of night vision or UV filter headset, but didn't get around to it. This guy also had a topknot before I scanned it in, but the guys and I didn't like it, so I Photoshopped it out.

I decided to go for a kind of ramshackle, "rambo-militia" look for this guy, considering he's at the top of the pecking order, and would probably have access to all of the best wargear. The SMG he's holding is not going to be one of the in-game guns, but is based heavily on an Arsenal "Shipka" SMG, discovered in the cyberspacial realm that is the Google Image database (same with the images I used as references for the looted bulletproof vest). Some innovative ideas of mine included the creation of armoured gloves by attatching steel plates to work gloves with studs, producing makeshift chainmail by fixing rings of industrial chain to ragged leather, and the use of vehicle armour plates, beaten into shape, as pauldrons and hip-shields (inspired by the armour and imagery of Games Workshop's Orks, as seen here). Particular attention was paid to the face, as this, when exposed, is a great way to explore the ugly, twisted nature of the mutants.

Anyway, I have work to do, so I'll have to log off.

- N.

There was a time that the pieces fit, but I watched them fall away…

EDIT: Did a little more 'shopping on the image and re-uploaded it.

[Roger] Artwork looks fantastic! And great journal posts as well…

[Nick] Why, thank you. I'm just glad I'm not filling it with spam.

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