Date: Saturday 1 March, 2008
Started: 1:31 AM
Finished: 2:04 AM
Took me seven hours to get on here tonight, because my brother and his friend were using the computer. Well, now I'm listening to Radiohead's "Karma Police", I'm absolutely exhausted, and I'm going to sit down and write up a blog entry.
Thursday's IM lesson, despite only being a single period, was a surprisingly important one, with the group uniting to discuss the various guns that were to be used in the game (some of them anyway, in accordance with Rhys' ever-important P.H.A.S.E. system). Whilst this was originally little more than most of the guys squabbling over what guns to include, this discussion eventually evolved into writing up the list of the guns that were to be included in P.H.A.S.E. 1 of development. And, as a result of this, the most significant (I would think) movements in the plot and level design departments were eventually made, in that we actually got to actually discussing the in-game plot and level design in detail (ending up with a somewhat rough outline of the layout and progression of the first level, as well as an idea of who the player characters are supposed to be). As mentioned by Mister Ludeke in his log, another of my conceptual sketches also surfaced, although in WIP form (the finished version will most likely find its way to this page on Monday), although I think it may have to be completed before appraisal and criticism can truly be made.
However, the biggest thing to come out of this meeting was the separation of group members in terms of plot design, with Dan, Andrew, Todd and Rhys focusing on plot development (although the final decisions will be made by the group at large), and Dan and Todd focusing on level design. I have also been (unofficially, for the time being) made a script-writer (the one who makes the mutants go "Arg"), as well as possibly being a candidate for voicing characters (although this was most likely a comedic implication based on my zombie rasps the other day). Andrew, Nick Kerr and I are also going to be working on background music (although we're currently not sure if that will actually make it in there… depends on how much we get done), with me requesting to help with drumming and composition. Enthusiastic as we are, Nick Kerr and I have already been experimenting with musical compositions for the game in our guitar tab programs… I think that I might as well try and learn more musical scales to make myself less restricted. And, seeing as how I've been offered a possible drummer postion in a band sometime in the future by a friend of mine, it may help to build on my natual drum talent and look into getting lessons when I have the time for it.
Roger also complimented me on my rather expansive Twitter activity log (I think he meant Twitter? That was where he left the message…) yesterday (although I only saw the notification a little while ago). Makes me feel glad that I'm not just spamming on there like some people probably are. I'll also have to check with Todd about Photoshop and 3D models soon, so that I know what I'm in for (although I already have a fair idea). Somehow, despite the obvious threat of exhausting amounts of work looming in the distance, I have a strong feeling that this project is going to be a very rewarding process for me… and fun, too.
Anyway, I'm not sure how much of this is actually making sense, since I'm very tired. So, I'll be signing off for the night.
- N.
And, now for the obligatory Tool quote…
Why can't we not be sober, I just want to start this over…
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